Common Mistakes Homeowners Make When Replacing An Asphalt Shingle Roof.

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How To Ensure You Are Getting The Most From Your Shingle Roof Replacement.

Harlan, United States - June 1, 2023 / Schmucker Roofing /

Replacing an old asphalt shingle roof is a significant undertaking for any homeowner. It requires careful planning, research, and preparation to ensure the project goes smoothly and results in a quality job.

This article will discuss some of the common mistakes to avoid when replacing an old asphalt shingle roof. By avoiding these mistakes, homeowners can save time, money, and effort while ensuring their new roof lasts for years to come.

When it comes to replacing an old asphalt shingle roof, making the right decisions early on is critical. If not done properly, what may seem like small oversights or minor details can lead to costly repairs down the road due to poor installation techniques or inferior materials.

Knowing which pitfalls are most likely can help guide homeowners through the process with more confidence, leading to better outcomes overall.


Replacing an old asphalt shingle roof can be a costly and time-consuming process. Careful consideration must be taken when choosing the right contractor for the job.

Comparing quotes from multiple contractors should help to ensure that the best deal is obtained while also helping to guarantee quality workmanship in accordance with local building codes. It is important to review warranties associated with each quote as well, which will generally provide coverage against any potential issues or defects in the material used for replacement.

When interviewing potential contractors, it is essential to ask about their experience replacing asphalt shingle roofs specifically, and how many of these jobs they have completed in the past year. Reputable companies will usually offer references from previous customers who are willing to vouch for their services, which should be requested before making a final decision on which service provider to use.

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Taking all of this into account will allow homeowners to select a reliable contractor at a fair price, thus ensuring that their new roof continues providing protection and peace of mind for years ahead.


The selection of an asphalt shingle roof should not be taken lightly, as it will provide protection to the home for many years. Before beginning the process of replacing a roof, homeowners must weigh all available options and evaluate the cost. Knowing what type of materials are needed in order to have a successful installation is essential.

When selecting asphalt shingles, consider both aesthetics and durability. Colors range from traditional grays and browns to more modern shades like blues, greens, and reds. In addition, there are different types of textures that can add dimension to any style or architecture.

It’s also important to read reviews on various brands so that you can get an idea of their longevity as well as how easily they can be installed. Ultimately, choosing the right asphalt shingle roof requires making informed decisions based on price comparison and quality assurance.


Before beginning any roofing project, it is essential to properly inspect and prep the surface. This step allows for a more accurate evaluation of the condition of the existing shingle roof as well as provides an appropriate platform upon which to start the installation process. It is important to note that failure to take this necessary step can lead to costly repairs or even re-installation in some cases.

Inspection requires close attention to detail, including checking for areas with inadequate ventilation, rotted decking, buckling shingles, improper flashing details, and other possible damage. Once these deficiencies have been identified, all debris must be removed from the roof before any further action takes place.

Disposal of said debris needs to be done in accordance with local ordinances and regulations; if not handled properly this could result in expensive fines or additional fees for removal services. In addition, proper disposal ensures that no foreign objects remain on the roof area which may detrimentally affect its performance over time.

By taking these steps prior to starting work on replacing an old asphalt shingle roof one can ensure that the job will run smoothly and ultimately provide them with years of worry-free service life.


Proper ventilation of an old asphalt shingle roof is critical in ensuring its longevity. Without adequate airflow, the heat from the sun can cause trapped moisture to build up and create an environment that supports mold growth, accelerating decay on both the roofing materials and the insulation beneath it.

Proper insulation also plays a role in regulating temperatures inside the house, as well as helping to reduce energy costs by trapping air within walls or other enclosed spaces. It is important for homeowners to ensure proper ventilation when replacing their existing roof with new asphalt shingles so as to maximize efficiency and extend its life expectancy.

In order to properly ventilate an old asphalt shingle roof, one must evaluate how much attic space is available and then select vents that best meet those needs. Additionally, intake vents should be placed toward the lower portion of the attic while exhaust vents are installed at higher points near the peak of the roof.

This allows hot air generated by sunlight exposure to escape out of the top while cooler air enters through bottom-located intakes, thereby creating a continuous flow of air throughout all areas of your home’s ceiling cavity which helps regulate temperatures year-round.


Having discussed the importance of proper ventilation for a replacement asphalt shingle roof, it is now important to identify and repair any damaged roof decking.

Repair methods should be specific to the structure of the existing roof; this includes identifying where the damage is located and addressing any potential issues with weatherproofing techniques.

When inspecting a roof’s decking, look out for signs such as sagging or warping boards.

If these are present, then a further investigation into what caused them may need to take place before repairs can begin.

Potential causes could include water retention from standing pools on the surface of the roof or from blocked drainage systems that have caused moisture build-up over time.

Once identified, steps must be taken to ensure that all areas affected by water damage are properly repaired using suitable waterproof materials and techniques in order to prevent future problems.


Installing a new asphalt shingle roof is no small task. It requires careful consideration of the materials and techniques used to ensure safety, durability, and aesthetic appeal.

Before beginning installation, it is important to choose quality materials that are designed for the local climate and adhere to manufacturer specifications.

Safety should be paramount when replacing an old asphalt shingle roof. It is essential that all workers wear proper protective gear such as hard hats, goggles, long sleeves and pants, gloves, shoes with non-slip soles, and harnesses when working at elevated heights. All tools must also be inspected prior to use in order to eliminate any potential hazards from damaged components or incorrect operation. Additionally, debris must be cleared away during installation in order to prevent injuries or accidents on the job site.

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In closing, replacing an old asphalt shingle roof can involve a significant amount of work but following these tips will help you avoid common mistakes while ensuring optimal safety and performance of your new system.


It is important to double-check the installation of a new asphalt shingle roof. A thorough inspection should be done before completion to ensure that all materials are installed properly and securely, as well as weatherproofed adequately for extreme climate conditions.

Additionally, it is imperative that each layer of shingles aligns with the manufacturer’s specifications to prevent water from entering through the seams. Gaps between adjacent sheets must also be sealed using an adhesive caulk or other high-grade material to further protect against moisture damage and leaks.

Furthermore, any flashings around protrusions such as pipes, vents, or chimneys must be inspected closely to make sure they fit snugly along edges and corners without exposing any underlying substrate beneath them. To conclude this process, it is essential that nails are driven at least one inch below the surface so that no wind will tear off any of the tiles during storms.


Overall, replacing an old asphalt shingle roof requires attention to detail. It is important to choose a reputable contractor and select the right type of asphalt shingles for the job.

The roof surface should be properly prepped before installation. Additionally, proper ventilation must be ensured in order for the new roof to last longer.

Damaged areas of the decking need to be identified and repaired prior to shingle placement. Once installed, manufacturer specifications should be followed carefully and any necessary inspections conducted afterward.

When these steps are taken into consideration, one can avoid common mistakes when installing an asphalt shingle roof.

Contact Information:

Schmucker Roofing

19521 Knouse Rd, Harlan, IN 46743, United States
Harlan, IN 46743
United States

Leory Schmucker
(260) 441-6849

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